Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I moved to this city in June, and have been through up and downs, all kinds of fun and drama. I witnessed history in the making (Obama), halloween, shared a thanksgiving dinner with close friends, and much, much more... But nothing quite prepared me for the following discovery made in my first week here, a riddle of sorts.
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are the same person!!! What? Impossible??? How does that work? I know, its such a puzzle. Apparently young miley puts on a blonde wig and becomes a whole new person... And the crazy thing is none of her friends are aware of this deceit.
WEll, its time this American sweethearts secret was revealed, and i feel i am the person to let the cat out the bag on this one... Hannah... Miley... We know, so now you need to choose. Your not allowed to be 2 people at once, surely that's illegal?


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