Tuesday, December 9, 2008

MY INSPIRATIONAL SITTING (in front of the box)

This week has not been a great one, its been one of those which started badly and seems to continue in that direction... So tonight when i got back from work, after having to go totally out of my way to the bloody T.Mobile store as they'd made some mess up with my text messages, Really? Of course i have to go to one particular store not just any... Anyhow, so am home and really restless, waiting for this annoying man to call (which he wont), want to go out for a drink but am on antibiotics, This week has not been a great one, its been one of those which started badly and seems to continue in that direction... So tonight when i got back from work, after having to go totally out of my way to the bloody T.Mobile store as they'd made some mess up with my text messages, Really? Of course i have to go to one particular store not just any... Anyhow, so am home and really restless, waiting for this annoying man to call (which he wont), want to go out for a drink but am on antibiotics, so no.
Anyway decide, to have a little catch up on some of my fave reality disaster programmes. Thinking at least this will pass the time, surely it will be time to go to bed soon. (Have bad PMS, thus the constant moaning!) So, start with Real Chance of love and then move onto Rock of Love Charm School, was such a good idea! Here's how:

Rock of Love Charm School: In today's episode the Rule was "Thou Shalt Rock at Love" trying to teach the girls that in order to be successful in relationships, they need to show what's on the inside, blah blah blah... So they made the girls really ugly with these special effects make up artists and then sent them out on dates to see how they would do without their looks. OK, whatevs. The bit that clicked with me was when the relationship expert, was saying "sex makes you stupid... as soon as you have sex with someone, its hard to control your hormones, you forget about everything etc...

Hello!! Welcome to my world... Thank you dear sex therapist, this is what i needed to hear, so i am not mad, not a crazy bunny boiler... its the god damn sex, NO MORE!!! Have been recently slung onto the shelf like a bag of flour that suddenly discovered a sell by date. A five year relationship vanished 2 months ago and have found myself single in this city, where i know pretty much no one, so am able to start a fresh (which is a good thing) however, starting a fresh when you don't know so many people is not so fun! I end up running into the arms of anyone who'll let me in, looking for another man, its what I'm used to... Am dying for sex, craving attention (Ugh) But this is supposed to be me time. Relationships should be so far away from my head, no strings should be any wear near to any sex I'm having. But, being able to disconnect emotionally when doing the deed is tough... Have been truly inspired by her wise words... he he!! So old, but was so true, from now on i have 2 simple rules i must obey by, and will try and pass this enlightenment on to others:
  1. Date, date, date... variety of dates, have lots of fun, date a nice variety of men and DO NOT sleep with them (unless your so unattracted to them, so you can safely bet feelings will not develop)
  2. If you can only date one at a time, and you just cant help but getting into a situation where, oops you've done it again, just remember "Sex makes you Stupid" Remind yourself of this when you want to text/call him, your thinking about him more than you should, even say it to yourself before you go to meet him, and ultimately shagging the living daylights out of him...

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