I got stopped by some old drunks, who told me to go to strawberry fields, sat down there for an hour... There were these guys singing beatle song after beatle song, and quite a crowd. Now, i couldn't care less about the beatles, however. with the mood i was in i cant pretend the odd tear didn't find its way splashing down my cheek... Drama!! I suddenly realised that i was sat in the freezing cold, with icicles stuck to my face, chilled to the core, it was time to head home...
Was about to get on the subway, when i suddenly get a call from my fabulous McCutie from Paris, he tells me very calmly "Britney is dead" well, this was just too much... what is a girl to do in a huge city, on her own being subjected to such horrific tales??? After that the floodgates just opened up, (the fabulous thing about living in a big city, is you can do whatever you like in public and people will leave you the hell alone...phew) Got home to an abundance of texts from friends whom i had broke this devastating news too... "she's not dead... she's on the Xfactor singing live...Its OK"
Sigh... Britney is ok
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