Monday, March 9, 2009


I had my waitressing job tonight (which is on the same street as the medieval artists flat) it was dead. I was so bored, so spent the whole evening hoping he would pass by the bar (he often does)... I kept thinking about how i would act when I saw him, and try and get a date with him.

The vegan came up to my work to visit me, we discussed some good stalking techniques for the following day and future. I finished work and we were walking back, pretty much as soon as we step out, I see medieval walking towards us down the street. I tug at V's sleeve, and start hissing "this is him... shit... OK... that's him" I start to panic, stressing about how I'm gonna suggest we meet for coffee or something. He stops to talk, I'm on auto pilot, trying desperately to slip something into the conversation, that I'm not picking up on anything he's saying.

As soon as we've said our goodbyes and begin to head away from Medieval, I feel really pissed at myself for not saying anything. But, the Vegan turns to me and says "Hor-rif!!!" (the vegan can be a complete Diva as well, he is an unusual combination of hare krishna 79% Paris Hilton 21%) and went on to explain that he had never seen anything so pathetic. He thought that for once this guy was a total hottie and was impressed that I'd picked such a thing! And was in shock at my incompetence, apparently, the guy was totally interested and was dropping huge hints, such as:
  • I've just finished teaching, going to get some food, what you guys doing?
  • I feel like a bit of a loser going to eat and have a beer on my own...
  • Are you guys heading home or going to get a drink?
But of course I was just too busy stressing out that I didn't pick up on any of it... So annoying... Have decided I'm not going to stalk him tomorrow after my failure tonight. And there is actually some real positives in all this:
  • Playing it cool: Now, he will think I'm all aloof and not into him, cos I had no reaction to any of his suggestions- (will def be interested.)
  • Slow it down: If I had gone for a drink with him, I may have ended up kissing him or probably would have definitely ended up kissing him. So now there will be more of a build up, which is always fun!
  • Taking Control: I'm working again in 2 days, I def won't see him by atleast then, so, the next time I see him, I can act all confident and suggest meeting up. And I will come out not looking desperate, which can never be a bad thing!
So, the above points show that I am inadvertently actually "playing the game" avec this medieval man, which is how all New Yorkers behave when "dating" (as well as New Jersey boys from my experience). And, this is a really good thing, it may have been accidental this time round but I am def going to employ similar tactics in the future.


My mag-nif friend the Vegan (a.k.a Pamela, Vegan's eat cheese doodles??) called last night, after about an hour of rambling on about my latest exploits, he told me point blank that I need to be writing this all in my blog. Partly, I'm sure on his behalf, so that i get all this chatter out of my system and save his phone bill. But also, as he put it "it's not so much the aggressive self loathing, as the witty repartee that draws me to your writing" (Yes, the vegan uses this kind of language on a regular basis... This kind of sentence to him is the equivalent to "Hey girl...Uh uh...No you did-n't" for the average American, this is part of the beauty and charm of my fair-vegan and his Hare Krishna ways..)
Anyway his campaigning was working. But, i still felt that i really needed extra motivation to get back on the saddle, something that would make me sit and write. After much deliberation with V, the idea of stalking my latest conquest seemed like too much of an opportunity to miss... just think about it... writing about the medieval artist and his heroic Georgian-esque ways, whilst sat in a cafe on his street, he could walk past at any minute. So, it's been decided, tomorrow at 2, let the stalking commence. The vegan and I sipping coffee, typing away on our laptops, inconspicuous to all, but secretly plotting... You see its got me typing already...